
As a startup with a growing portfolio, we highlight our own brand to showcase the full spectrum of our design, development, and marketing services, demonstrating our creative and strategic expertise.


Our primary challenge was to develop a cohesive and compelling brand story and identity that seamlessly aligned with our vision, design, and marketing strategy. We aimed to craft a narrative that resonated across all digital and physical touchpoints, ensuring that our brand’s core values and long-term goals were consistently reflected in both our visual and strategic elements. This comprehensive approach involved integrating our design seamlessly with our marketing strategy, which was crucial for building a unified and impactful brand presence. By focusing on this alignment, we not only strengthened our brand identity but also enhanced our online visibility, improving our SEO performance and ensuring our message reached our target audience effectively.

  • Strategy

    Brand Identity Development, Creative Direction

  • Design

    Logo Design, Website Design, Illustration

  • Production

    Website Development, Brand Guidelines, Photography

  • Platforms

    Web, Print

Open Project
01. Challenges

Creating a cohesive brand story and identity while aligning vision, design, and strategy.

We embedded a comprehensive brand narrative into every facet of our company culture, from web development and website design to branding and marketing. By crafting distinctive visual identities and developing detailed strategic guidelines, we ensured that every element whether communication, design, or marketing strategy consistently reflected our core values. This cohesive approach fostered a unified understanding of our brand’s vision and values throughout the organization, enhancing our consistency and impact in the digital and physical marketplace.

02. Experience

Seamlessly integrated brand story into every touchpoint and strategy.

We embedded a comprehensive brand narrative into every aspect of our company culture. From designing visual identities to developing strategic guidelines, we ensured that each communication, design, and strategy reflected our core values. This cohesive approach fostered a unified understanding of our brand’s vision and values throughout the organization.

Color Palette


R 13
G 16
B 20

Shenaas Black

Represents sophistication and professionalism, providing a strong, authoritative foundation for our brand’s image.

R 243
G 69
B 0

Shenaas Orange

Symbolizes energy and creativity, reflecting our innovative approach and dynamic spirit in marketing.

R 224
G 229
B 235

Shenaas Blue

Offers modernity and balance, creating a clean, versatile backdrop that enhances the overall design.

R 49
G 12
B 128

Shenaas Indigo

A rich, sophisticated deep blue-purple, evoking the elegance of ancient Persian culture and complimenting our innovation with mystery and refinement.


Plus Jakarta Sans


Plus Jakarta Sans and Blacker Shield have been chosen to articulate Shenaas’s unique identity and ethos in a visually compelling manner.

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Blacker Shield


03. Mobile Experience

Putting our focus on
revolutionizing how people perceive mobile UI/UX design.


Got a project?

We’re a young, dynamic team fueled by creativity, transforming unique ideas into standout identities and crafting marketing strategies that elevate your brand.